"A leader is one who influences a specific group of people to move in a God-given direction." — J. Robert Clinton
The army had a slogan a few years ago, "Army of One." At first glance it sounds arrogant that one person could represent the army. But think about this. It took only one person, David a shepherd boy, to defeat Goliath in the Old Testament and it took only one smooth stone to eliminate the threat that was causing a nation to tremble and shake with fear.
We sometime have the tendancy to compare our lives with those we see on television or in the public arena and think that our lives are insignificant compared to others. How wrong you are! If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, your life is potentially the most significant life in your sphere of influence.
Leadership is not only about leading armies, or aspiring to the presidency of a corporation or nation, it is all about influence. If you can influence even one person to Jesus Christ, your life is significant for without you there would be one person less in the Kingdom of God and one person more facing eternal punishment and hell.